Department of Middle East and North Africa, Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz

Department for European Islam Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw

Department of the Middle East and North Africa, Institute of the Middle and Far East, Jagiellonian University


have the pleasure to invite you to participate in

the 7th International Symposium “Politics and society in the Islamic world”

Lodz, 26-28 October 2023


Planned as a joint initiative of the Department of Middle East and North Africa, University of Lodz, Department for European Islam Studies of the University of Warsaw, and the Institute of the Middle and Far East of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, the International Symposium will focus on political and social issues in the Muslim world in the 20th and 21st centuries. Presentations will analyze various parts of the Islamic world – from Morocco to South-East Asia, including Muslims living outside these areas – to explore domestic policies of the states inhabited by Muslims as well as foreign policies and international relations, and issues connected with the presence of Muslims in the West. The 21st century, especially following the so-called “Arab Spring”, saw a widely visible change in certain paradigms regarding issues fundamental to the development of the world where Muslims or those who rely on Islam play a crucial role. It can be a force that can be both positive and negative. These problems will be presented from various viewpoints, using a variety of methodologies and national perspectives. In addition, the world of Islam continues to focus on the interests and attention of the superpowers. The politics of the USA, Russia, China, and India directly affect international relations, economic transformations, and the evolution of the political systems of Muslim countries. Therefore, discussing the world of Islam requires an interdisciplinary approach. Hence, we invite researchers from different disciplines who engage in the perspectives of political science, sociology, cultural studies, and regional studies, and who combine various disciplines.


Important information:

Conference venue:

University of Lodz

Faculty of International and Political Studies

Narutowicza 59a Street, 90-127 Łódź


Deadline for submitting applications:

Applications for participation in the symposium should be sent via the online form:

until July 20, 2023. In order to participate in the conference it is necessary to obtain feedback on the inclusion in a group of speakers (23rd of July) and pay the conference fee of 120 EURO (or 90 EURO for online participation). Information on the transfer will be sent in a separate message to qualified participants.

The conference fee includes:

  • conference materials
  • 2 lunches, coffee breaks, dinner after the first day of the conference
  • publication of an article (in case of positive reviews)

The conference fee does not cover the cost of travel and accommodation (organizers provide assistance in finding accommodation if needed).


Conference languages: Polish, English, Russian, Arabic


The Academic Committee of the Conference:

Prof. Marek M. Dziekan – chairman

Prof. Izabela Kończak (Department of Middle East and North Africa, University of Lodz)

Prof. Marta Woźniak-Bobińska (Department of Middle East and North Africa, University of Lodz)

Prof. Krzysztof Kościelniak (Department of Middle East and North Africa, Jagiellonian University)

Prof. Agata S. Nalborczyk (Department for European Islam Studies, University of Warsaw)

Prof. Przemysław Turek (Department of Middle East and North Africa, Jagiellonian University)


Organizing Committee:

Andrzej Stopczyński PhD (Department of Middle East and North Africa, University of Lodz) – secretary of the Committee

Krzysztof Zdulski PhD (Department of Middle East and North Africa, University of Lodz)

Agata Dąbrowska PhD (Department of Middle East and North Africa, University of Lodz)

Ewa Linek PhD (Department of Middle East and North Africa, University of Lodz)

Katarzyna Wasiak PhD (Department of History and Theory of International Relations, University of Lodz)

Justyna Gumulak MA (Department of Middle East and North Africa, University of Lodz)

Natalia Zajączkowska MA (Department of Middle East and North Africa, University of Lodz)

Łukasz Fraszka MA (Department of Middle East and North Africa, University of Lodz)

Maria Schulz MA (Department of Middle East and North Africa, University of Lodz)



Dr Andrzej Stopczyński:



Poster Islamic Symposium 2023


26.10.2023 / Thursday



(Faculty Council Room 1.10)

Ryszard Machnikowski, Dean of the Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz Marek M.  Dziekan, Chair of the Department of Middle East and North Africa, University of Lodz

11.50 – 12.30 Keynote lecture

Erzsebet N. Rozsa (National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary) A post-hegemonic order in the Middle East and North Africa

12.30-12.45 Coffee break

12.45 – 13.55 PANEL SESSION I (ENG): Human rights in the Islamic world

Moderator: Marta Woźniak-Bobińska

Roswitha Badry  (University of Freiburg, Germany) ‘The Games Must Go On’ – On Human Rights Issues, Soft Power, Campaigns, and Polemics around the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar

Justyna Gumulak (University of Lodz, Poland) World Cup 2022 – respecting human rights and building Qatar's international reputation

Yasser Salimi Namin (University of Warsaw, Poland) Revision of Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam and the Future of Sharia in the Islamic World

13.55-14.55 Lunch break

14.55 – 16.35 PANEL SESSION II (ENG): Muslim communities around the world

Moderator: Andrzej Stopczyński

Sultan Ahmed Ali (MUSLIM Institute, Islamabad, Pakistan) Rising Sufi-phobia: Unveiling the Hidden Truth

Martin Klapetek (University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic) Research on the leisure activities of Muslim associations in Germany and Austria

Agata S. Nalborczyk (University of Warsaw, Poland) Polish Muslims and Covid-19. Change in functioning, online activity, its reach and results

Natalia Zajączkowska (University of Lodz, Poland) The portrayal of Indian Muslims in right-wing media discourse in India

16.35-16.50 Coffee break

16.50– 18.05 PANEL SESSION III (ENG): Politics in the Islamic world

Moderator: Justyna Gumulak

Magdalena Pycińska (Jagiellonian University, Poland) The material power of religion. Understanding and use of Islam’s materiality in the Israel-Palestine conflict

Osama Gharibeh  (Freiburg University, Germany) "How did Germany, Jordan, Turkey, and Lebanon address the Syrian refugee and migration crises in the twenty-first century, and how successful have these efforts been?"

Madi Ibrahim (Centre d’etudes diplomatiques et strategiques, Paris, France) The developments of the Iranian nuclear file in light of the international developments

18.05-18.20  Coffee break

18.20 – 19.45 PANEL SESSION IV: Literature, education and society in the Islamic world

Moderator: Izabela Kończak

Narmin Sadykhova (Université Paris 8; Laboratoire ArScAn (Archéologies et Sciences de l’Antiquité, France), Письменность как политический фактор в обществе и на мировой арене (на примере арабского абджада )/ Writing as a Political Factor in Society and on the World Stage (the case of the Arabic Abjad) (in Russian)

Arzu Sadykhova (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland), Program kształcenia arabistów J. J. Sękowskiego i polityka Imperium Rosyjskiego na Bliskim Wschodzie w 1.  połowie XIX wieku / J. J. Sękowski's Arabic education program and the policy of the Russian Empire in the Middle East in the first half of the 19th century (in Polish)

Marek Dziekan (University of Lodz, Poland) ʿAlī Ibn Sālim al-Wardānī (1861-1905) i jego Ar-Riḥla al-Andalusiyya [“Podróż andaluzyjska”] / ʿAlī Ibn Sālim al-Wardānī (1861-1905) and his Ar-Riḥla al-Andalusiyya [“The Andalusian Journey”] (in Polish)

Moussa Fatahine  (University of Djilali Bou Naama - Khemis -Miliana, Algeria) The use of Arabic dictionaries for foreigners in teaching and scientific research (in Arabic)

20.00 Reception  (Dzielna 43 Restaurant, Narutowicza 43 Street)


27.10.2023 / Friday

10.00 – 11.40 PANEL SESSION V (ENG): Politics in the Islamic world

Moderator: Marta Woźniak-Bobińska

Fabio Coriolano (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland) The role of Political Islam in establishing an alternative welfare bargain

Lukáš Větrovec (Commenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia) Hasan Kafija Pruščak (Hasan Kafi al-Aqhisari) and his Nizamu l-'Alam: Ottoman Muslim Political Philosophy

Ronen Yitzhak (Western Galilee College, Israel), Dorit Gottesfeld (Bar-Ilan University, Israel) Jordan in the eyes of the beholder: Politics, economy  and society in Jordan

Bartosz Kurowski (University of Lodz, Poland) Activities of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates at EXPO 2020 in Dubai

11.40-12.05  Coffee break

12.05 – 13.45 PANEL SESSION VI (ENG): Society and religion

Moderator: Andrzej Stopczyński

Agata Nowak (University of Warsaw, Poland) Changes in cultural, social and political life of the Crimean Tatar diaspora in Turkey

Konrad Zasztowt (University of Warsaw, Poland) The image of the Circassians in the contemporary Turkish historiography of the early 20th century period

Mokhirakhon Nosirova (University of Ibn Haldun ACI/MEDIT, Turkey) ‘Soviet style secularization and religious revival: research on some social changes at the ex-USSR region with example of Uzbekistan’ (1991-2023)

Abeer Aldawsari (University of Leeds, United Kingdom)  Saudi Women in Mixed-Gender Workplaces: Remote Work Challenges in the Age of the COVID-19 Pandemic

13.45-14.45  Lunch break

14.45 – 16.00 PANEL SESSION VII (POL): Politics

Moderator: Katarzyna Wasiak

Bartosz Wróblewski (University of Rzeszow, Poland) Relacje władzy z fundamentalizmem islamskim  - specyfika Jordanii / Authority relations with Islamic fundamentalism - the specificity of Jordan

Marcin Krzyżanowski (Jagiellonian University, Poland) Talibowie a państwo- podstawy teoretyczne ustroju / Taliban and the state - theoretical foundations of the system

Łukasz Fraszka (University of Lodz, Poland) „Dyplomacja dziedzictwa” – dziedzictwo osmańskie jako zasób soft power w polityce zagranicznej Turcji / “Heritage diplomacy” – Ottoman heritage as a soft power resource in Turkey's foreign policy

16.00-16.15  Coffee break

16.15 – 17.35 PANEL SESSION VIII (POL): Society and law in the Islamic world  

Moderator: Ewa Linek

Wiktoria Kokoszka (University of Warsaw, Poland) Religijny konstytucjonalizm - relacja prawa kontynentalnego Włoskiej Afryki Wschodniej do prawa szariatu w kontekście bezpieczeństwa prawnego obywateli państw Rogu Afryki / Religious constitutionalism - the relationship of the continental law of Italian East Africa to Sharia law in the context of legal security of citizens of the Horn of Africa countries

Mateusz Grzyb (University of Warsaw, Poland) „Odkąd byliśmy dziećmi w Mjanmie, nigdy nie mieliśmy wolności”. Współczesne wyzwania prawa międzynarodowego w ochronie praw mniejszości muzułmańskich – studium przypadku Rohingjów / "Since we were children in Myanmar, we have never had freedom." Contemporary challenges of international law in protecting the rights of Muslim minorities - a case study of the Rohingya

Małgorzata Wróblewska (University of Warsaw, Poland) Szkolne nauczanie religii w Islamskiej Republice Iranu a mniejszości wyznaniowe / School religious education in the Islamic Republic of Iran and religious minorities

17.35 -17.50 Coffee break

17.50 – 19.25  PANEL SESSION IX (POL): Society and culture in the Islamic world  

Moderator: Ewa Linek

Agnieszka Krotecka (University of Warsaw, Poland) Problemy  w mieszanych związkach małżeńskich z Egipcjanami-muzułmanami: kulturowe, religijne i wychowawcze / Problems in mixed marriages with Egyptian-Muslims: cultural, religious and educational

Maria Szulc (University of Lodz, Poland) Muzeum na szwie w Jerozolimie – analiza działalności instytucji w latach 2018-2023 / Museum at the seam in Jerusalem - analysis of the institution's activities in 2018-2023

Nadim Useinow (University of Warsaw, Poland)  Sytuacja wspólnoty muzułmańskiej na Krymie po 2014 roku na przykładzie Hizb ut-Tahrir i Krymskiej Solidarności / The situation of the Muslim community in Crimea after 2014 on the example of Hizb ut-Tahrir and Crimean Solidarity

Andrzej Drozd (University of Warsaw, Poland) Czy system szariatu może być stosowany we współczesnym zachodnim porządku prawnym? I dlaczego nie? (Uwagi prawnika i islamologa) / Can system of Sharia be applied in the modern Western legal order? And why not? (Remarks of a lawyer and Islamologist)

19.30  Conclusions and Closing of the Conference

10.30-12.30 City tour









